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Elena Kouma
Born in Limassol, Cyprus in 1966
Lives and works in Nicosia, Cyprus and Vikersund, Norway

1986-1989 Internship Fine Arts at Nicos Kouroussis Studio (, Nicosia, Cyprus
1984-1986 Studied Graphic Arts at Frederick University of Cyprus

E.KA.TE (Cyprus chamber of Fine Arts) Cyprus
Phytorio (Visual artist and art theorists association) Cyprus
BBK (Buskerud Bildende Kunstnere) Norway
NBK (Norske Billedkunstnere) Norway

Solo Exhibitions
2022   "Dialogue in two levels" Center of contemporary art Diatopos, Nicosia, Cyprus
2022   “Selections”, Fossekleiva Kultursenter Art Kafe Jebsen, Berger, Norway
2020   "Punktutstilling", Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, Norway
2020   "Dialogue between Intellect and Matter", Modum Kunstforrening, Vikersund, Norway
2019   "Kunst Rett Vest", Solo exhibition in Olavskirken Modum bad, Norway
2015   “Liquid Souls” Argo Gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus
2010   “Heliogony II” Silks Gallery, Limassol, Cyprus
2009   “Heliogony I” Argo Gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus
2004   “Panspermia” Pantheon Gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus
2001   “…and let there be light” Argo Gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus

Group Exhibitions
2024   “Exploring the Cypriot Topography: unity amidst division”, Municipal Gallery of Larnaca, Cyprus
2024   “Novemberutstillingen 2024”, Drammen Museum, Norway
2023   Video Work for Daphne Nikitas poetry presentation at A.G.Leventis gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus
2023   “Art Walks”, Limassol Municipal Art Center “Apothikes Papadaki’’, Limassol, Cyprus
2023   “Kunst Rett Vest” , Gateway studios Hangar A, Fornebu, Oslo, Norway
2023   "FemiNest" Center of contemporary art Diatopos, Nicosia, Cyprus
2022   “Kunst Rett Vest”, Fossekleiva Kultursenter, Berger, Norway
2022   “Stipendutstillingen”, Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, Norway
2022   “In support of life”, Charity art exhibition by Rotary & E.KA.TE, Nicosia, Cyprus
2021   “Kunst rett vest”, Store Gilhus gard, Lier, Norway
2021   “London Art Biennale”, Chelsea Old Town Hall, London, England
2021   “Stipendutstillingen”, Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, Norway.
2021   “In Black and White”, Marginalia Gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus
2020   “Yours faithfully”, A collective library project by Phytorio, Nicosia, Cyprus.
2020   “#ilovecyprusarts!”, Alpha C.K. Art gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus
2020   “Stipend-utstillingen 2020”, Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, Norway
2020   ‘’ Life’’ Cyprus Red Cross Society, A. G. Leventis Gallery, Nicosia Cyprus
2019   ‘’Anti–doro’’, Marginalia gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus
2019   ‘’Novemberutstillingen 2019 ’’ Drammen Museum, Norway
2019   '' At the line limit '', 50+5 Years of E.KA.TE, Cyprus chamber of Fine Arts, Nicosia, Cyprus
2019   "Kunst Rett Vest", Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Høvikodden, Norway
2019   ‘’Stipend-utstillingen 2019’’, Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, Norway
2019   "Recalling 2018" Almyra beach hotel, Paphos, Cyprus
2018   ‘’Juleutstilling’’ Modum Kunstforening, Vikersund, Norway
2018   ‘’13 O Katheis os doxeio’’ Interactive Project, Larnaca Biennale events,Cyprus
2018   ‘’Stipendutstilling 2018’’ Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, Norway
2018   ‘’Salon de refuses’’ London, England
2018   ‘’Myths and realities’’ Hellenic Centre, London, England
2017   “Life After Death”, Organized by the Society of Cypriot Studies & Moesgaard
Museum (MoMu) Aarhus Denmark for the European Capital of Culture 2017
Old Power Station, Paphos, Cyprus
2017   “Small Treasures Exhibition”, Cyprus Chamber of fine Arts, Nicosia, Cyprus
2016   “Inspire Me” Diatopos Gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus
2016   “A Modern Look at Asia Minor Relics” Byzantine Museum, Nicosia, Cyprus
2015   “CUBE” Zampelas Art Museum, Nicosia, Cyprus
2014   “50 Years of E.KA.TE” Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts
Old Power Station, Paphos, Cyprus
Municipal Gallery, Larnaka, Cyprus
Famagusta Gate, Nikosia, Cyprus
Evagoras Lanitis Foundation, Limassol, Cyprus
2014   En Typis Polychoros, Nicosia, Cyprus
2014   Strovolos Cultural Center, Nicosia, Cyprus
2014   “Alter Ego” Visual Artist Association, Nicosia, Cyprus
2013   “Blog to Block” Argo Gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus
2013   “Utilitarian Items” Diatopos Gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus
2013   Cavafy Museum, Alexandria, Egypt
2012   “Cross the Red” Alpha Gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus
2012   “Retroperspective” Argo Gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus
2012   “Women’s Day” Katoi Polychoros, Nicosia, Cyprus
2012   “the art of denial” Haroupomylos Gallery, Paphos, Cyprus
2011   “Female figures” Katoi Polychoros, Nicosia, Cyprus
2011   “MANIERA CYPRIA” Platy Aglantzias Cultural Center, Nicosia, Cyprus
2010   50 Years of Artistic Creation Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts, Nicosia, Cyprus
“Pancyprian Exhibition-Visual Rhythms” Melina Merkouri Hall
2010   Rotary of Curion Limassol, Morphi Gallery, Limassol, Cyprus
2009   LIMASSOL 2009: “Recent Visual Trends and Perspectives”
Evagoras Lanitis Center, Limassol, Cyprus
2008   “7 artist” galleryK, Nicosia, Cyprus
2007   “Self Portraits”exhibition
(Under Construction – Alternative Museum Spaces) NiMAC, Nicosia, Cyprus
2006   “25 Cypriot Artist” En Tipis Publications, Cyprus Ministry of Culture Old Archaeological Museum, Thessaloniki, Greece
2004   “unclaimed luggage” Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, Spain
2004   “40 Years of E.KA.TE” Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts
Melina Mercouri Hall, Nicosia, Cyprus
2003   “Open Horizons” Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts, Nicosia, Cyprus
2003   “the Lauguages of Gender” University of Cyprus SPEL building, Nicosia
2002   “Cypriot Artist in the 3rd Millenium” Melina Mercouri Hall, Nicosia, Cyprus
1999   “Woman’s Day” Kasteliotissa Hall, Nicosia, Cyprus
1998   “The Sea and the Sky” Cyprus
Chamber of Fine Arts, Nicosia, Cyprus
1997   “1st Cyprus Visual Arts Festival” ExpoCyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
1994   “30 Years of E.KA.TE” Famagusta Gate, Nicosia, Cyprus
1992   “Pancyprian Exhibition E.KA.TE” Famagusta Gate, Nicosia, Cyprus
1986   “Pancyprian Exhibition E.KA.TE” Famagusta Gate, Nicosia, Cyprus

Publications and Catalogues
2021   Catalogue London Art Biennale
2020   Dialogue between Intellect and Matter, Catalogue, Kailas Printers, ISBN 978-9925-577-94-1
2020   Life, Catalogue, Red Cross Society, Nicosia, Cyprus
2017   Life After Death, Catalogue, Society of Cypriot Studies
2016   A Modern Look at Asia Minor Relics, The Asian Minor Association, Archbishop Makarios Foundation, Cyprus
2015   Liquid Souls, Catalogue, Kailas Printers
2014   50 Years of E.KA.TE, Catalogue, Bookworm Publication
2014   Alter ego, Catalogue, Fytorio Publications
2013   The Critical Eye, Presentation, Book, by author Kleitos Ioannides
2012   Cross the Red, Catalogue, Cyprus Red Cross Society
2012   The Art of Denial, Catalogue, Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts
2011   Maniera Cypria, Catalogue, Yiannakis Papadouris Foundation
2010   50 years of Artistic Creation, Catalogue, Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts, ISBN 978-9963-8922-3-5
2009   Heliogony, Catalogue, EN TIPIS Voula Kokkinou Publications
2009   Recent Visual Trends and Perspectives, Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts
2004   Unclaimed luggage, Catalogue, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid
2004   Panspermia, Catalogue, EN TIPIS V. K. Publications, ISBN Series 9963-584-54-3, ISBN Vol.21 9963-584-98-5
2004   40 Years of E.KA.TE, Catalogue, Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts
2003   Open Horizons, Catalogue, Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts
2003   The Languages of Gender, Catalogue, EN TIPIS V. K. Publications
2002   Cypriot Artist of the 3rd Millennium, Zampelas ART Ltd, ISBN 9963-8609-2-3
2001   Cyprus Artist, Artbook, Pantheon Cultural Association, Cyprus
1998   The Sea and the Sky, Catalogue, Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts
1994   30 Years of E.KA.TE, Catalogue, Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts
1992   Pancyprian Exhibition, Catalogue, Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts

2022   November 11th, Interview, Phileleftheros newspaper,
2021   September 17th, TVModum & Vimeo, Vikersund, Norway
2020   March 7th, Article, BygdePosten newspaper
2015   March 13th, Article, Phileleftheros newspaper
2015   March 7th, Art in Kube, Magazine, Phileleftheros newspaper
2015   March 2nd, Interview, Time Out Magazine, Cyprus
2009   March 13th, Article, Cyprus Weekly,newspaper
2009   March 10th, Article, Politis, newspaper
2009   March 9th, Article, Phileleftheros, newspaper
2009   March 6th, Article, Cyprus Weekly,newspaper
2004   March 1st, Interview, Article, Phileleftheros newspaper
2004   February 27th, The Art goes on, Article, Cyprus Weekly
2004   February 20th, Article, Periodiko Magazine, Cyprus
2003   December 12th, Interview, Article, Periodiko Magazine, Cyprus
2001   March 16th, Article, Cyprus weekly,newspaper
2001   March 9th, Article, Cyprus weekly,newspaper
2001   March 2nd, Interview, Article, Cyprus Weekly,newspaper
2001   March 1st, Interview, Article, Phileleftheros, newspaper

Selection of Work in Public Places
Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Cyprus
Archbishop Makarios lll Foundation and Art Gallery, Byzantine Museum, Nicosia, Cyprus
Cavafy Museum, Alexandria, Egypt
Loukia & Michael Zampelas Art Museum, Cyprus
CYTA; Cyprus Telecommunication Authority, Cyprus
Limassol Municipal Art Gallery, Cyprus
Yiannakis Papadouris Foundation, Cyprus
District Court of Nicosia, Cyprus
Private collectors in Cyprus and abroad